Hip-girl users of the Jawbone UP activity tracker can now match their nails to several of the device’s colors, ensuring it never clashes with their look. Jawbone has partnered with nail polish purveyor OPI on 10 shades complementing the Jawbone UP’s 10 new colors.
The Jawbone UP collection with their respective nail colors. Photo source: PSFK
Since most people wear their activity trackers all the time, it’s important that it meshes with the rest of an outfit, including nail color. That’s the thinking behind the OPI shades, dubbed UP X OPI. Timed with the release of Jawbone’s UP2 and UP3 devices, some of the matches include the OPI shades “O Suzi Mio” for the UP2 Violet Circle band, “Up Front & Personal” for the UP3 Sand Twist band, “Peace & Love & OPI” for the UP2 Gunmetal Hex band and “Teal the Cows Come Home” for the UP2 Turquoise Circle.
For more information, see the full article here.