Handbags have always functioned to express and complement a woman’s unique sense of style. VanDerWaals has added a further element of personalization to the mix with a line of handbags that change colors with the swipe of a smartphone app.
Available as a satchel or tote in crocodile or leopard, each handbag can change to several different colors via a free smartphone app supplied by VanDerWaals. Users can also program the bag to create a custom lightshow synchronized to a favorite song, make a recommendation for a “lucky color” based on the wearer’s date of birth and flash a specific color when receiving a phone call. The handbags feature a tiny long-lasting battery that can charge a smartphone, tablet or portable device using a charging cable or micro USB provided with the purchase. The battery can be replenished with an included wall charger.
For more information, see the full article, or read the press release here.